We do not charge for the experience you are receiving, we only charge for our time. We have years of knowledge and experience in this type of work. We were guided that to get the most out of your experience, there must be a universal exchange. People who get things for free may not receive the type of benefit they would get if they did not give back in some way. We need to make ourselves available to help when it is needed so we are not able to work the normal type of job. Just to let you in on a little secret, when you walk between the worlds, it's a little hard to function in the here and now. We provide a service, similar to a therapist or health professional, that are paid for their knowledge and time. Paying for this type of service is truly an investment in your health and your future. We truly appreciate your business and we will always give you our best.
For our rates, please see specific service articles. Thank you.